Guides & Resources

Everything you need for collection, tracking, and results all in one place.

Fact Sheets

Fact sheet for Patients

Fact sheet for patients being tested for COVID-19.

Fact sheet for Healthcare Providers

Fact sheet for healthcare providers conducting COVID-19 testing.

How To

Applying Barcodes

Self-swabbing Instructions

Assembling the Burger Box

Packaging for Transport

Symptom checker poster

Poster to be hung at entrance of test collection space in order to perform symptom check before test collection.

Swab instructions

Instructions for individual performing test collection to ensure optimal results.

Physical space checklist

Physical checklist to ensure optimal safety and sanitation during test collection.

Packing instructions

Step-by-step instructions for packing specimens for return shipping to Altius.

Shipping And Drop Off Instructions

Instructions for shipping and dropping off specimens at our lab.

Portal Quick Start

High level reminder instructions on using the Altius portal.

Portal Instructions

Detailed instructions for using the Altius portal and retrieving results expediently and accurately.